Hotels search and book partner: Momondo Ecuador is probably one of the most spoiled New World countries by tourists. And the capital of...


Ecuador. World Country

Ecuador is probably one of the most spoiled New World countries by tourists. And the capital of Ecuador, Quito, built by the Spaniards at an altitude of almost three thousand meters above sea level, is declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You must admit that not every capital can boast of this today. But lovers of mountain hikes tend to come here. It is believed that the snow-covered Cordillera is almost the ideal place for this: it is not as high as in the Himalayas, and the climate is milder ...

Like the inhabitants of other poor countries, Ecuadorians are friendly, sociable, sharp on the tongue, but emphasized politely. It is difficult to imagine that the seller here would not smile at the buyer or, oh, the transport police officer, for example, would turn to the driver for “you”. For themselves, Ecuadorians often use the Spanish adjective humilde. There is no exact equivalent to this Spanish word in our language. Umilde is a poor person who does not have enough stars from the sky, is satisfied with fate, does not make claims to anyone and does not envy anything.

Ecuadorians are religious - most of them regularly attend Mass and certainly cross themselves with themselves, passing by the church. Family ties are strong here - in a difficult situation, everyone has the right to count on the help of sisters and brothers, godfathers and matchmakers, and, in turn, is ready to turn his shoulder to them. Of course, such ties are stronger in rural areas than in cities, where, contrary to all that has been said, street crime rates are high. This, however, is more a consequence of poverty than a national property.

Well, about the delicious. I cannot but mention the main export wealth of Ecuador? They say that bananas are the most delicious in the world. Which is not surprising, in general. After all, from the equator closest to the sun. Almost a third of the total able-bodied population grows, collects and packs them in boxes. It’s no joke - five to six million boxes of bananas float out of the local ports weekly. They grow, of course, on private plantations, but before being loaded onto ships, state controllers carefully check the boxes. Not everyone, of course: of course, they select at random several boxes from the entire batch. The fruits in them must be immaculately green and hard. If at least one yellow or with a speck is found, the whole batch goes under the knife. Bananas are a delicate item. If spoiled in swimming, all cargo can be gone. And they turn yellow and ripen upon arrival at the place in special terminals and already get yellow in the markets ...

Finally, I will share with you the star recipe: “From the evening mix half a cup of thick cream and two tablespoons of dark rum. Cut a large banana into circles and fill with cream. In the morning, serve for breakfast, sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and nuts.”